
About Us

Lemonade stands, yard work, dog walking, or babysitting, for years children have used their ambitious spirits doing odd jobs proud to fill their piggy banks with money they earned all by themselves. Here at Freeze Dried Goodies we have created a company giving children the opportunity to do just that. Andrew Allen, our founder, created Freeze Dried Goodies with the purpose of providing his three daughters an opportunity to experience entrepreneurship. In the Fall of 2022 the company passed into the hands of Dallan Randall and his enthusiastic family. Freeze Dried Goodies has quickly grown to include many neighborhood families. We support eager children excited to save up for the awesome things on their wish lists. The children are in complete control of how often they work and how much money they earn, making them their own bosses. They are excited to explain to others they earned money making candy!

Our Mission

The Mission of Freeze Dried Goodies is to provide entrepreneurial experiences for any child eager to learn. The children are responsible for making, packaging, and selling the candy, pretty much the whole process! Adults oversee operations, provide guidance and mentorship, and assist with quality control and delivery, always aided by the youth. Freeze Dried Goodies offers children the opportunity to learn critical thinking, problem solving, team work, an appreciation for money, goal setting and people skills. While we are working hard and learning the children create games and friendly competitions pushing themselves to earn their personal monetary goals. When asked what the first rule of the company is they will reply energetically “ To Have Fun! ” So, next time you are enjoying some mouth watering Freeze Dried Goodies and see a wrinkle in the label or a crooked seal you can smile knowing that it was probably packed by a spirited 5 yr old proud to be earning their own money.

Copyright © 2025 Freeze Dried Goodies